A good measure of a business asset, is its ability to save time and money, and our New ERGO1100 SEMI-ELECTRIC WEIGH SCALE PALLET TRUCK, does both.
It combines the benefits of an accurate weigh scale (System tolerance 0,1 % of applied load, and goes up in 1kg graduations, till 1,500kg); with the ease of use and speed efficiency of a regular semi-electric pallet truck (powered drive, with manual lift and lowering).
This means that business can use one item of equipment where previously they would have to use two, and so save money, space, and time by eliminating double handling, in giving the versatility of enabling operators to weigh items in their choice of suitable spaces not just, in one area.
The powered drive of the ERGO1100 SEMI-ELECTRIC WEIGH SCALE PALLET TRUCK, takes away the strain on the operator from having to push heavy loads, thus, helping prevent work relates fatigue and injury.
So why not treat your business to an asset that keeps giving, and costs a lot less than you’d probably think:
IMPORTANT NOTE: As with all Material Handling Equipment we would always recommend that all organisations have their own Health & Safety Risk Assessment conducted, prior to use.